Jim: Breaking news, Carly. It's nearly Christmas. Well, that's what the autocue says anyway..
Carly: That's right- it is Christmas. And, just to be even more banal than usual, we're going to bore our four viewers with cheesy Christmas features.
Jim: That's right, Carly. And today I'm talking about the real meaning of Christmas - buying lots of stuff.
Carly: That's right. Buying stuff - stuff advertised on this channel even.
Jim: But Carly, what about Jesus?
Carly: I think he'd like an ipod for Christmas -I know I would!
Jim: I'd like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and peace and goodwill to all.
Carly: Even the Muliaga family, Jim? You know, the mother - Folole Muliaga - who had her power cut off and died because she couldn't use her oxygen machine?
Jim: Well, it was tragic..
Carly: Didn't you say it was her own fault?
Jim: I don't think so, Carly..
Carly: Yes you did - you suggested she couldn't pay her power bill because she was spending her money on cigarettes. You said it on Radio Live..
Jim: Let's talk about something else..is it time for a commercial break yet? Maybe I could review a record...
Carly: She didn't smoke, Jim..
Jim: Shut up, Carly.
More drivel until commercial break...
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