I've been checking out Davy-boy Cunliffe on Twitter. He's got a lot to say. The latest comments from Labour's Finance spokesperson are:
can't believe the stupidity of some journalists32 minutes ago from web
is mad with TV3, they used a clip from parliament...I have better lines than that one. I can't believe Goff sent a boy to do my job!about 13 hours ago from web
thinks Bloody TV3 screwed up big time, wait till I'm back in charge then we will see some decent newsabout 15 hours ago from web
is asking Twitter who the vile person is behind my online character assassination8:33 AM Apr 2nd from web

is annoyed, I had to make two personal statements and divert my excellent speech for the General Debate on to talking about Twitter9:20 PM Apr 1st from web
@ccosgrovemp you were a fat lot of help in the house today9:18 PM Apr 1st from web in reply to ccosgrovemp
I think they believed me3:07 PM Apr 1st from web
Sounds like a song..... Crusher, crusher, the old toilet flusher....6:57 PM Mar 31st from web
They should give me more questions in the house, I'd kick their proverbials given more of a chane3:57 PM Mar 30th from web
English should grow up and govern, and listen more to advice I tendered him in my presser: 8.07 AM Mar 30th from web
Of course, its a parody - but it fooled John Key and made Cunliffe give a 'personal explanation' in Parliament to deny that he had a Twitter account.
But Cunliffe isn't the only who has an alter-ego on the popular networking site.

Clayton Cosgrove also as an alter-ego on Twitter. His bio describes him as a 'Plug Headed Idiot'. 'Clayton' is following Britney Spears on Twitter. That surprised me - I thought Clayton would of been more of an AC/DC or Bon Jovi kind of guy.
And Phil Goff is also the subject of a Twitter parody, although he's only made three entries so far - obviously he's too busy organising those fantastic regional visits by his MPs.
The ambitious Labour MP Darren Hughes is on Twitter as well - but this isn't a parody because its boring.
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