Rodney Hide is one of those gung ho right wing politicians who drones on about the so-called 'welfare culture' and the unemployment benefit being a 'lifestyle choice'.
But having regularly bashed the poor as 'welfare bludgers' Rodney has been well and truly exposed as a hypocrite.
Jet-setting Rodney thought it would be nice to escape the New Zealand winter so in July he and his girlfriend, Louis Crome, shot off for a wee holiday in sunny Hawaii. Hide sent us the bill for $10,000.
But after it was revealed he had taken Ms Crome with him to Europe and North America - and sent us the bill for $25,000 - Hide quietly paid back the $10,000 this week.
Maybe he thought the Hawaiian jaunt would go undetected but, unfortunately for 'Mr Perkbuster', its all over the media.
I wonder what's happened to all those air points Rodney has amassed? I hope he's not keeping them...
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