No such stories appeared on TV3's 3rd Degree last night.
Apparently the 3rd Degree team have been living in a time warp because the big story for the first show of the year was all about a three year old plane crash. Reporter Michael Morrah insisted that there was something dodgy about the report of the investigation into the crash. I thought Morrah was attempting to whip up a mountain from a molehill and the real reason this story got the go-ahead was because it was thought it would deliver ratings.
And in an attempt to provoke a controversy where there clearly isn't any, the story also led TV3's six o'clock news bulletin last night and has been a leading item on Mediawork's radio news bulletins for the past twelve hours or so. Ah, the joys of cross-ownership.
This was followed by a soft story about a young man, Liam Malone, who has been given a pair of artificial legs. He was described as 'New Zealand's blade runner,' - but I don't think young Liam is presently in court on a murder charge. I think I dozed off at some point during this story.
The whole mediocre ratings-driven exercise was presented by Duncan Garner and Samantha Hayes who monotonously explained what we were watching at every given opportunity. Apparently we all have IQ's of a particularly stupid ten year old.
3rd Degree is vanilla current affairs. It doesn't offend the rich and powerful, it doesn't shake any branches of the status quo - it is just there between the incessant commercial breaks.
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