An occasional series of short profiles of women journalists providing a progressive alternative to the mainstream media.

For over two years she was the host of RT's Washington-based Breaking The Set, a show she devised, and which sought to provide progressive alternative
to the news shows of the corporate media, with its profit-driven agenda.
RT airs on over 500 cable and 30 satellite channels in over 100 countries and Breaking The Set was one of its most popular shows.
"I never imagined the kind of support it would generate, proving how many people are hungry for raw truth and systemic change,' wrote Abby.
Abby never pulled her punches. Her expose of Nestle's dangerous and environmentally damaging water bottling activities, for example, provoked Nestle into
producing a video in which the multinational food giant tried to defend its activities.
Keen to do more 'in the field' reporting, Abby left Breaking the Set in February this year. She returned to her home state of California where she has been
concentrating on her politically inspired art. She recently exhibited in Los Angeles.
She reportedly plans to launch a New-York based media venture later this year and continues to blog at Mediaroots.
Photo by Saskia Koerner
Photo by Saskia Koerner
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