NEXT WEEK, ON Thursday February 4, the Trans Pacific Partnership agreement will be signed by the representatives of the rich and powerful at Sky City
in central Auckland. There will, of course, be protests. These protests will include those of Real Choice. It plans legitimate non violent action, an attempt to blockade the area around Sky City, 'creating a TPP free zone'. It is following in the proud tradition of civil disobedience throughout the world.
The mainstream media's non-threatening 'left-leaning commentator', has quickly poured scorned on the very idea of people actively opposing the signing
of the TPP. Chris Trotter, for it is he, says plans already being hatched by the police will scuttle this plan. He also claims that the Security Intelligence Service "will, doubtless, be liasing with their colleagues
at the Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) to set up comprehensive real-time surveillance of Real Choice’s members."
Of course, all this is entirely speculation on Trotter's part. And he's been wrong about so many things before that many people will just yawn that its just the well known Labour apologist
blowing smoke again.
But Trotter's comments are indicative - again - of his lacklustre and defeatist politics. While he talks up the power of the police and the spooks he has no confidence
in the people. He just wants us all to sit and listen quietly to sensible people like Andrew Little and...Chris Trotter.
Trotter, of course, is welcome to his opinion. But he goes much further than just criticising Real Choice's protest tactics.
He has hinted of violence. He has claimed that Real Choice is unrepresentative - again, without any evidence - of the 'legitimate' protest movement. He also claims that supporters
of Real Choice are also 'parasitical', apparently feeding off the good work of people like Jane Kelsey.
Who are these terrible people? I checked the Facebook page of Real Choice. It has over 3000 'Likes'. Real Choice are being followed by people from all walks
of life, including well known union officials and politicians. I don't imagine someone like Green MP Marama Davidson will appreciate being called a parasite, especially by somebody who laughs it up with the likes of Rodney
Hide and Paul Henry.
The hostile reaction of the dismal Trotter should not surprise us, though. Every movement against social injustice has been met by establishment foghorns
like Trotter who have blared 'caution' and 'decorum'. In the end, Trotter thinks we have a right to protest government policy but we don't have the right to subvert it.
After reading Trotter's attack on Real Choice, I thought your criticisms of him were mild. Trotter has attempted to smear a legitimate protest group, even gong as far as claiming that its a 'Trojan Horse' for the cops. Disgraceful.
ReplyDeleteI can't understand what Trotter's motivations might be for this gutter journalism - he just comes across as some middle aged right wing hack. Who knows who he thinks his drivel appeals to.
Trotter's audience is probably the same audience that reads him in 'Incite', published by Cameron 'Whaleoil' Slater.