Retreating to cloudcuckooland, Green co-leader James Shaw says that the Green's will continue to campaign for a wealth tax - even if Labour has categorically ruled one out. Shaw's empty bluster can't conceal that the Green's are up the proverbial creek without a paddle.

IN A PREVIOUS POST I wrote that '...even if Labour manages to secure a third term, its unlikely to take on board the Green's proposals for a wealth tax and rent controls.'

This week though Labour leader Chris Hipkins has confirmed that, under a third term Labour Government, there will be neither a wealth tax nor a capital gains tax. And given his announcement that it will be business as usual under a Labour Government, there is exactly zero chance of rent controls being implemented either.

Chris Hipkins has effectively pulled the carpet from underneath the Green's. Under the conservative leadership of James Shaw and Marama Davidson, the Green Party has inextricably tied its political fortunes to that of the Labour Party. The Green's campaign for a wealth tax was meant to differentiate it from Labour and rehabilitate the party in the eyes of former supporters who have drifted away, disillusioned with its conservative direction.

But now that the Labour Party has categorically ruled out a wealth tax, the Green Party's campaign has been rendered meaningless. But refusing to face reality in the face, Shaw says that the party will continue to campaign for a wealth tax regardless. If Labour does win the election, Shaw says the Green's will 'negotiate' for the tax after the election. Which is nonsense of course and amounts to slapping Labour on the wrist with a wet bus ticket.

It is more likely though that Labour will be sunk on October 14 and the Green's will be sucked down with it.


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