A Talbot Mills poll this week has revealed that 60% of New Zealanders support an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. But the incoming National-led Government is unlikely to heed the call. In the United States, new polling says that the majority (68%) of the American public also support an immediate ceasefire. The Biden administration though continues to support Israel's genocidal campaign that, according to Euro-Media Human Rights Monitor, has already taken over 20,000 lives.

WHILE THE Biden administration continues to defend Israel's genocidal military campaign in Gaza and has turned a blind eye to its flouting of international law and its repeated war crimes, support for Israel has progressively been eroding among the American population. While there have been continued attempts to smear Israel's critics as anti-semitic, it is not gaining any traction among an American population repulsed by the Israeli regime's unrelenting violence that is clearly aimed at turning Gaza into a wasteland and driving out the Palestinian population.

Recent polling suggests that a majority (68%) of the American public, including 75% of Democrats and 50% of Republicans support the call for a ceasefire.

On Wednesday, two dozen Democratic members of Congress signed an open letter demanding President Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken to immediately seek a cease-fire in Gaza. The letter was endorsed a range of organisations including Amnesty International, Centre for Jewish Nonviolence, Churches for Middle East Peace, Oxfam America, Working Families Party, the Institute for Policy Studies’ New Internationalism Project and Jewish Voice for Peace Action.

But the number of Congress lawmakers calling for a ceasefire remains small, and no Republican lawmakers have called for a ceasefire. It represents a fundamental disconnect between Capitol Hill and the American population. While the United States claims to be a 'representative democracy' it's a 'democracy' characterised by elite rule and money politics.

The pro-Israeli lobby has poured tens of millions of dollars into Congress, in an attempt to shore up support for an Israeli regime that is losing support among the American populace.

Slate journalist Alex Sammon has noted:

'In the 2022 midterms, the Israel lobby became the largest single-issue outside spender in Democratic primaries, pouring in nearly $30 million via the super PAC the United Democracy Project, and millions more via the Democratic Majority for Israel PAC. It was an astronomical amount of money, mostly directed at knocking progressives out of the primaries, largely in open and redrawn seats.'

The pro-Israel lobby, through the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), is now taking aim at members of congress calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.  It has been reported that is likely to spend some $100 million to fund a political campaign to unseat Congress members who do not support Israel's war on Gaza. Among its targets are Rashiba Tlaib, the House’s only Palestinian American, and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. Both are members of the Democratic Socialists of America.

AOC has responded: “AIPAC endorsed scores of Jan 6th insurrectionists. They are no friend to American democracy. They are one of the more racist and bigoted PACs in Congress as well, who disproportionately target members of colour. They are an extremist organization that destabilises US democracy.”


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