Joe Biden's disastrous support for Israel's genocidal war in Gaza has already lost him electoral support. He can't afford to be dogged with persistent questions about his age and cognitive abilities. Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein has described Joe Biden and Donald Trump as 'zombie candidates', the discredited representatives of a two party establishment that has failed most Americans.

THE MECHANICS of the American electoral system and the dominance of big money, both of the corporate sector and of wealthy individuals, means that third party and independent presidential candidates are effectively elbowed out of the national conversation. Denied a national platform to promote their policies, they can only continue to repeat the message that there is life beyond the political elites that control the two major parties. Personally, I think the Green Party's Jill Stein would make a far superior President than either Donald Trump or Joe Biden.

But poll after poll says that the American people are less than satisfied with the presidential candidates on offer from the Democratic and Republican parties. According to one typical poll, roughly a quarter of Americans (26%) hold unfavourable views of both Trump and Bide. Dissatisfaction with the presidential cabdidates is especially prevalent among young voters. Some polls say that nearly half of all 18-29 year olds have a negative opinion of Biden and Trump.

The so-called 'debate' between Trump and Biden would have done little to discourage the growing realisation among ordinary Americans that their political system is irretrievably broken. That the Republican Party could back a convicted felon, a serial abuser of women and deeply implicated in the attempt to overthrow the result of the last presidential election, is bad enough. But, even worse, he appears to have a realistic chance of occupying the White House again. Mainstream commentators are asking: Has America really sunk to this?

Donald Trump owes the Democratic Party bosses a vote of heartfelt thanks for making it so much easier for him. Last time they kneecapped the enormously popular Bernie Sanders in favour of the widely disliked Hillary Clinton, who was duly beaten by Trump. This time round they have backed a candidate who appears that he isn't up to the job.

A competent candidate would have made mince meat of Trump, but Biden barely laid a punch on him. Alone in a television studio without the use of a teleprompter and without a live audience to feed off, Biden fell apart. It was both an extraordinary and excruciating watch.

And now the Democratic Party hierarchy is in a state of barely contained panic. Joe Biden insists that he remains the man for the job, but many aren't convinced. His continued arrogant support for Israel's genocidal war in Gaza has already cost him the support of millennials, the Muslim community and the left. He cannot afford to be dogged with persistent questions about both his physical and mental abilities. But that's what's going to happen if he carries on.

Meantime, Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein has described Biden and Trump as 'zombie candidates', the representatives of a two party establishment that has failed most people:

'This debate was embarrassing. Worse, it was dangerous. No one there was willing to fight for the truth. Not one candidate or moderator. The media gave up and the empire’s facade collapsed on national television. Both of these men are fundamentally unfit to serve, and neither can be allowed a second term.'

After witnessing the travesty that was the Presidential debate, a lot more people would probably now agree with Jill Stein.

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