A reactionary Democratic Party elite and their wealthy corporate backers have probably already given Donald Trump a second term in the White House.


IN A COUNTRY where a former President was forced to resign because of his involvement in illegal activity, the United States faces the prospect of having a President who is not only a convicted criminal but also a rapist and a serial abuser of women. 

And he's also deeply implicated in the attempt to violently overthrow the result of the last presidential election. It reads like the plot of a cheap novel, but this is America in 2024. Read it and weep.

The Democratic Party elite and their wealthy corporate backers must bear much of the responsibility for the rise of Trump. They could have squashed the Orange Man in 2016 by choosing the massively popular Bernie Sanders as their presidential candidate. Instead, they picked the widely disliked Hillary Clinton, and she was duly defeated by Trump.

They could have also picked Sanders in 2020 but picked the centrist Joe Biden instead. It might of not satisfied the party's rank and file, but it was a decision that met the demands of the party's wealthy donors. They had made it clear that they were not going to support  a candidate who, on the campaign trail, talked of the United States having '..a government of, by, and for billionaires.'

The Democratic Party elite may of not thought that Joe Biden was their strongest candidate to defeat Trump, but he represented a roadblock in the way of Bernie Sanders and the grassroots movement that threatened to propel him all the way to the White House. The corporate Democrats feared the left wing politics of Bernie Sanders more than they feared the authoritarianism of Donald Trump.

Harold Ford, the former chair of the Democratic Leadership Council, explained to Fox News in 2020 that he campaigned for Biden 'because I thought Bernie Sanders’ politics were detrimental to the party and to the country.'

The Democratic Party elite disregarded polls that showed that Democratic Party voters were unenthusiastic about Joe Biden. A July 2022 poll, for example, showed that 75 percent of Democratic voters wanted someone other than Biden as their presidential candidate in 2024.

It is now this very same Democratic Party elite who are panicking now that it seems increasingly likely that Biden will be unable to defeat Trump in November. The Democratic Party top brass have comprehensively failed the American working class, foisting a catastrophic Biden candidacy down the throats of voters, a candidacy which is now in serious crisis.


AS THE MACHINATIONS continue within the Democratic Party, it's always worth remembering that the number of voters who say that they don't like either major party presidential candidate are at a historic high. They now make up one-quarter of the electorate.

As one American voter typically puts it: 'I really am so sick of the two of them. And I really wish there was some new people — different blood, younger blood. Honest to God, we just need better people.'

Or, as journalist Abby Martin succinctly describes the failure of 'the greatest democracy in the world': 'It's a shit show.'


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