The genocide being committed in Gaza by Israel is not an aberration, says Rania Khalek, it's the result of U.S.-led imperialism.

THE US ruling class is sick.

I often wonder, have they convinced themselves that Palestinians deserve to be mass murdered? Perhaps do they feel the 'price is worth it,' as Madeleine Albright says, to protect U.S. empire's ability to steal Middle East resources?

Maybe it's a bit of both. Maybe most of them are sociopaths. Maybe it doesn't matter.

All that matters is understanding that the genocidal apocalypse in Gaza is not an aberration but rather a reflection of the U.S.-led imperialist order.

Gaza is not the result of a broken system. This is how U.S.-led imperialism is meant to function.  Gaza is what being on the other end of U.S. imperialism looks like.

The vast majority of people in the world must suffer for U.S. capitalist rulers to maintain their hoarded wealth.

They have a hierarchy of humanity, and they have placed the Palestinians of Gaza on the bottom rung.  Those who challenge their place in this hierarchy are met with starvation sanctions, destabilisation campaigns and extreme barbaric violence.

Gaza fought back. So, Gaza is being punished. The U.S., through its Israeli proxy, is trying to re-establish control and is willing to do whatever it takes, including destroying the entire region, to do so.

This same formula applies to Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, Syria, the entire continent of Africa, and on and on.

The U.S. ruling class wants us to accept a world where everyone is subservient to them, where masses of people suffer so they can have it all, where Palestinians are raped and wiped out, where Venezuelans and Iranians and Cubans die of preventable diseases, so they can keep all their wealth and power and keep taking more like parasites.

I refuse to accept this. How about you?


I'm genuinely curious how there are people who concede what is happening in Gaza is genocide, but then condemn the people being exterminated for using violence to put an end to it.

What are Palestinians supposed to do? Launch bouquets of flowers at Israelis as their family trees are being erased?

What are the Lebanese supposed to do? Greet Israeli tanks and fighter jets with freshly brewed coffee and a lunch invite?

Rania Khalek is a journalist with Breakthrough News.


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