The Green Party has announced it will release its alternative budget on
WITH THE country deep in the economic mire, it is a smart move for the Green Party to propose an alternative path forward for the country that isn't beholden to the interests of a few and constrained by a failed economic ideology that continues to stalk the land, zombie-like.
The Green will release its Green Budget on May 22, the same day that the Government announces its own budget.
The Green Party's alternative budget, will expand on He Ara Anamata, its carbon emissions reduction plan. It's a plan to reboot the New Zealand economy, an unprecedented investment in green infrastructure combined with new social programs to address inequality. It's unabashedly progressive, and it runs counter to the neoliberal doctrine that has ruled the country for over four decades. This is the Green Party's Green New Deal.
'New Zealanders care about each other and the planet we live on. Our Green Budget will lay out the plan for an economy that respects and protects those things, instead of exhausting and exploiting both,' said Swarbrick in a press statement.
The Green Party has discarded its previous economic agenda based on technocratic tinkering and laissez-faire market forces. That corporate-friendly agenda departed with former co-leader James Shaw. Chloe Swarbrick has emphasised that a policy approach that protects the status quo is not an option:
'Let me be crystal clear: if you’re struggling to get by, your beef isn’t with someone else struggling to get by. Your beef is with the system that forces almost everyone you know into a life of struggle, and, more precisely, your beef is with those who profit from it.'
That means, in the end, we are not trying to restrict the power of the ruling class. We are trying to wrest that power away completely.
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