Labour's latest set of poor poll results has got blogger Martyn Bradbury all in a fluster. Why has Labour, in a time of economic crisis, been unable to capture the imagination of the voting public? Why has it slumped another 5.5% in the latest poll? What to do? What to say? Who's to blame for this debacle?

Here he is on the The Daily Blog:
How the flying Christ can Labour be down when this Government manage to self-mutilate themselves every single week? It’s because Labour have in Shearer a leader who simply has not managed to perform convincingly in any of his media interviews and who is only holding onto leadership because the faction around him are blocking any change.
That's right, folks. David Shearer is to blame for Labour's predicament. Apparently the last thirty years of Labour's neoliberal and anti-working class policies never happened.
According to Bradbury the solution is to replace David Shearer with David Cunliffe. Yet Cunliffe is another neoliberal politician and who is on record expounding the 'necessity' of austerity cuts!
Bradbury, like most of Labour's dwindling supporters, is so out of touch with reality that he simply won't acknowledge that Labour is dead as a progressive force in this country.
The reality is that is not only a economic crisis but also a political crisis. By failing to offer a real economic alternative Labour is failing to offer hope for those at the sharp end of the economic crisis.
But it is worse than that.
By already stating that it has no plans to upset the neoliberal orthodoxy, Labour is offering voters no choice at the ballot box. And it's no good voting Green's because this is a party that has rejected eco-socialism for the poisonous ideology of 'green capitalism'
Is it little wonder that people look at the neoliberal gruel that they are being offered by the likes of Martyn Bradbury and quickly walk away?
Meanwhile, having already declared his love for David Shearer, Bradbury's pal Chris Trotter will look rather foolish if he starts attacking the Labour leader again.
Steven Cowan gets it !