THE RENOWNED  Australian journalist John Pilger died 30 December 2023. He was 84 years old.

John Pilger chose early in his life where his political allegiances lay, and he became an unceasing campaigner for the working class and the oppressed - so often denied a voice by the corporate media.

He was an unwavering critic of the United States, Australia and Britain’s foreign policies, which he considered to be driven by an imperialist and colonialist agenda. While the United States behaved as if it could boss the world, Pilger's work drew a picture of an American Empire in decline.

In his final months, much of John Pilger's focus was on Israel's genocidal military campaign in Gaza. In one of his very last posts to X he wrote:

'If you understand why Julian Assange and David McBride, truthtellers of the West's wars, are being persecuted, then you understand Gaza and its serial killers. The two issues are about truth and freedom and warn us that a fascism in the 'enlightened' West is  approaching.'

To mark his passing, we post his 2002 documentary Palestine Is Still the Issue.  


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