According to Auckland Zionist Juliet Moses, Israel's targeted assassination of journalists in Gaza is justified because they're not actually journalists.

LAST WEEK, two Al Jazeera journalists, Ismail Al Ghoul and Rami Al Refee, were killed when an Israeli airstrike hit their car in Gaza City. In a statement, Al Jazeera Media Network said that Israeli forces targeted their car with a missile, 'resulting in a cold-blooded assassination.'

There is no defence for this brutality, and that's why Zionist Juliet Moses has lied about it. She has implied that they were, in fact, Hamas fighters. Auckland lawyer Moses, perhaps uncomfortable about posting her own views, likes others to do the talking for her, and she reposted this on X: 'Every Hamas terrorist eliminated is later portrayed as a teacher, doctor, Al Jazeera journalist, or moderate businessman. They understand that this narrative appeals in the West but not in the Middle East, where we see through their lies. In my country, the UAE, the Muslim Brotherhood is banned.'

This is nothing more than an attempt to justify Israel's deliberate campaign of targeted assassinations against journalists in Gaza. According to the independent Committee to Protect Journalists, 113 journalists and media workers have been killed by Israel since it began its genocidal assault on Gaza. As well 32 journalists have been injured and a further two journalists remain missing. Israel, the country that claims to be a democratic beacon in the Middle East, has reportedly imprisoned 52 journalists - merely for doing their job.

No other world conflict has killed as many journalists in recent memory.

'Since the war in Gaza started, journalists have been paying the highest price–their lives–for their reporting. Without protection, equipment, international presence, communications, or food and water, they are still doing their crucial jobs to tell the world the truth,' said CPJ Program Director Carlos Martinez de la Serna in New York last month. 'Every time a journalist is killed, injured, arrested, or forced to go to exile, we lose fragments of the truth. Those responsible for these casualties face dual trials: one under international law and another before history’s unforgiving gaze.'

Journalists are defined as civilians and are protected under international law. Deliberately targeting civilians constitutes a war crime.

However, if you simply redefine the journalists as disguised Hamas fighters, as Juliet Moses has done, then you can explain away such a war crime. For Moses, justifying murder becomes easy, but she has a long history of peddling lies and false evidence in an effort to defend Israel's heinous crimes.


  1. Indeed. And the New Zealand government is following the directions of this zionist agent and her disgusting zionist lobby group.

  2. Truly a horrible woman.


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