Auckland lawyer Juliet Moses has defended and cheered Israel's terrorist act on Lebanese soil, that has killed nine people and injured over 3,000. Isn't it time that the Security Intelligence Service investigated a woman who supports the violent extremist ideology of Zionism?

ISRAEL IS A TERRORIST state, so it comes as no surprise that it should commit yet another terrorist act. According to news reports, it was Mossad that was responsible for explosive materials that were injected into the batteries of pagers. Hundreds of pagers exploded almost simultaneously, killing at least nine people and wounding some 3,000 people. According to an Al Jazeera news report, over three hundred people have lost both their hands. Other people have lost eyes.

If such an operation had been carried out by Hamas or Hezbollah it would have been immediately condemned by the United States as an act of terrorism. But its only response to this latest Israeli atrocity is that it knew nothing about what was being planned and was now 'gathering information' about it. The United States will proceed to do nothing.

Lebanese journalist Rania Khalek told The Katie Halper Show that 'It was essentially an attack on civilians. Because you turned human beings into bombs. This injured at least 3000 people!'

The usual Zionist suspects are celebrating this terrorist act as a strike against Hezbollah rather than what it was really was, an attack on the Lebanese civilian population. It has been pointed out, for example, that hospital staff use pagers in the course of their daily work, and it has been reported that pagers exploded in at least two ambulances.

It means little to Zionists that one of the victims was a nine-year-old girl. After all, they continue to defend the Zionist ethnostate that has already killed over 17,000 children in Gaza.

In New Zealand, the Auckland lawyer Juliet Moses has predictably defended and celebrated this terrorist act on Lebanese soil. Perversely, Moses has claimed that it was a strike against 'terrorism'. Also, predictably, she has sought to muddy the waters by suggesting, without providing any evidence, that the number of deaths and injuries have been exaggerated by Lebanese authorities.

Juliet Moses is a woman without conscience and her activities should be subject to the scrutiny of the Security Intelligence Service. The SIS says that part of its brief is to 'investigate individuals and groups that support violent extremist organisations or promote violent extremism ideologies.'  Zionist Juliet Moses is such an individual.

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