Western political elites, including politicians in New Zealand, have condemned Iran's missile attack on Israel. They are the very same politicians who have defended Israel's genocidal assault on Gaza.

LET'S BE clear about this. The United States and its western allies have allowed Israel to commit genocide in Gaza. The calls for a ceasefire have been an empty charade; the weapons have continued to be sent to Israel and the slaughter has continued. Not one country has been prepared to help Lebanon or Gaza shoot down Israel’s missiles that are intentionally aimed at civilians. It was always going to be like this. The American Empire was never going to rein in Israel, its imperialist outpost in the Middle East.

But the decision by Israel to invade Lebanon was a step too far for Iran. Its leadership have arrived at the conclusion that trying to placate Israel has been a fatal mistake and it has only encouraged Netanyahu to mount further attacks elsewhere in the Middle East. It was never going to stand idly by and watch Israel wage war in Lebanon. Its missile attack on Israel this week sent a direct and unambiguous warning to the Zionist regime in Tel Aviv that it could no longer act with impunity.

Given the considerable military resources Iran has at its disposal, it was a restrained attack that targeted Israel's military infrastructure. While both Israel and the United States have claimed that the attack failed, the video evidence tells another story entirely. Emerging news reports say that the Nevatim Air Base was seriously damaged in the attack with several of Israel's F-35 stealth fighters destroyed.

The people of Gaza cheered on the attack. Having been abandoned by the West and left defenceless in the face of Israel's barbaric military invasion, it is little wonder that the people of Gaza have embraced Iran as their champion.

Of course there have been no similar celebrations among western political elites. They have all condemned Iran's attack. These are the very same people who have accepted that Israel has only been 'defending itself' while it has slaughtered over 40,000 people in Gaza, including over 17,000 children (official figures). They think, even now, that they possess the moral authority to condemn Iran.

The New Zealand Government has joined in the hypocrisy. Foreign Mister Winton Peters has posted on X that he 'unequivocally' condemns Iran's attack on Israel.'

But as the National chair of the Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa, John Minto, has observed of Peters comments: 'We are used to government hypocrisy in condemning every act of Palestinian resistance as terrorism but refusing to condemn Israel’s wholesale slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza or Lebanese civilians in Lebanon but latest this government tweet is hypocrisy on steroids. Israel is the aggressor here, Israel is breaching international law, Israel is pushing to widen the war and yet the government points the finger at Israel’s victims.'

But the response of Winston Peters has been mild compared to that of ACT MP and Zionist Simon Court. In a statement posted on Facebook and X, he has tried to caricature the Iranian missile attack as 'anti-semitic' and an attempt to 'drive Jewish people out of the Middle East.' He has also tried to smear the many thousands of New Zealanders who have protested Israel's genocidal war on Gaza as puppets of Iran's 'propaganda campaign'.

Laughably Court has described Israel as 'the only functional democracy in the Middle East'. This is the same 'democracy' that has imprisoned two million people on a tiny strip of land and has killed over a hundred journalists and over 200 United Nations workers in Gaza over the past twelve months.


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