Zionists and their supporters are celebrating the assassination of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah. But Hezbollah now knows that there can be no compromise with an enemy that has demonstrated there are no red lines it's not prepared to cross.

THE ZIONISTS and their supporters are celebrating the assassination of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.  But, just as has occurred in Gaza, there has been no mention of the many Lebanese people that have also been killed by Israel's so-called 'precision bombing'.  Like the tens of thousands of people Israel has slaughtered in Gaza, they are merely 'collateral damage'. They can be summarily disposed of as such and forgotten about. The lack of anything even approaching compassion is frightening.

But the glee that is being expressed right about now can only be short-lived. What has been missing in most of the 'conversation', with Al Jazeera being an honourable exception, is that Israel has done itself no favours by killing Nasrallah. He was a moderating influence on Hezbollah and its next leader is certainly not going to be as restrained.

Indeed, the lesson that the new leadership will have drawn from Nasrallah's death is that Israel is not interested in compromise but only in ever more escalation. It also knows that the United States, whether it be led by Kamala Harris or Donald Trump, will continue to actively assist Israel.

As Lebanese-American journalist Rania Khalek has observed: 'US imperialism is more barbaric today than it has ever been. Politicians from both parties are celebrating as a legitimate victory, Israel dropping more than 80 bombs on four residential apartment buildings in south Beirut to kill the leader of a Lebanese political party that is democratically elected to parliament.'

Benjamin Netanyahu (real name Nathan Mileikowsky) dubbed the plan to assassinate Nasrallah 'Operation New Order'.  It's an obvious allusion to Nazi Germany's desire for a 'New Order' in Europe. That desire was driven by the concept of Lebensraum—or 'living space.' It served as a critical component in the Nazi world-view that drove both its domestic policies and its military conquests.

The concept of Lebensraum was not solely responsible for the Holocaust, but it brought together a variety of imperialist, nationalist, and racist currents that would contribute to the murder of the Jews of Europe. Israel's ideological extremism and its continued objective of Lebensraum has led to genocide in Gaza and now its attack on Lebanon. It now threatens to pull the Middle East into a devastating war that will impact the entire world.  By killing Nasrallah, Israel has snuffed out any prospect of a negotiated peace.


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