YOU REMEMBER CHRIS TROTTER don't you? He's the guy who pops up in the blogosphere all the time and on radio and TV occasionally. The corporate media like
to describe him as being a representative of the left. The problem with that description is that he hasn't been part of the left for quite some time and he knows it. He's trading off a distant past when he actually believed
in something other than defending the political status quo and padding his own undeserved political reputation as some kind of spokesperson for the left.
Unfortunately he won't go away and he continues to do the left a great disservice careering from one embarrassment to the next.
How about his attacks on all those good folk who had the good sense not to vote for his Labour-led coalition at the last election? While Trotter bizarrely
described wealthy internet entrepreneur Kim Dotcom as a 'revolutionary' he dismissed those who would not support his neoliberal Labour Party as 'ultra-leftist'. Those of us who warned that Labour was heading for a fall were
dismissed by the man who always knows better than everyone else - that's why the right wing Paul Henry calls him "New Zealand's leading left wing commentator".
We all know what happened. Labour's vote collapsed and nearly a million people decided they didn't much like what was on offer at the polling booths and
decided not to vote. Clearly there were a lot us 'ultra-leftists' about. But don't worry folks, because you didn't ask for it, Trotter will be back again next year with his clapped out Labour Party. Good times!
Or how about last year when Trotter attacked the anti-TPP protest group Real Choice - who had the temerity to engage in peaceful direct action. He not only
accused the group of being "parasitical' but claimed they were a police invention designed to discredit the anti-TPP movement. He later apologised for his comments but the protests were over and the damage had been done.
But, because he is "New Zealand's leading left wing commentator", Trotter can jump into his next embarrassment with reckless abandon.
And here we are. Chris Trotter making a fool of himself in public. Again.
Earlier the same Sarah Silverman said: “This Democratic primary was exemplary. No name calling … that stuff is for third graders.”
Having forgotten her own instructions not to engage in name calling, she also clearly had a brain fade when she described the Democratic primary process
as "exemplary". Perhaps we should cut her some slack and assume that she just didn't know that Debbie Wasserman Schultz had resigned as head of the Democratic National Committee after the release by WikiLeaks
of DNC internal emails showing compelling evidence of Wasserman Schultz and her fellow DNC cronies conspiring against Sanders.
But Trotter can't plead ignorance. While Julian Assange of Wikileaks has rightfully accused the DNC of 'naked conspiracies' against Sanders, Trotter's
feeble defence is that 'Clinton beat Sanders fair and square".
Such casual dismissal of the blatant rigging of the primary process is breathtaking. Trotter is entirely relaxed about such corrupt behaviour aimed at
kneecapping the Sanders campaign. Which makes it all the more astounding that Trotter accuses the Sanders movement of, wait for it, ‘undemocratic behaviour’! Apparently showing dissent on the convention floor is not
only undemocratic, its dangerous! Everyone should just shut up and clap politely while the corporate candidate of perpetual wars is praised to the skies. We can't have accountability and democracy actually breaking out at the convention. What would Hillary think?
In the end, Trotter tries to shore up his support of Hillary Clinton by
claiming that Sanders has bound her to the most progressive platform ever in the Democratic Party's history. This is a straightforward and uncomplicated lie. The platform binds neither Clinton nor any of the party’s candidates
once they’re in office.
In reality by picking conservative Sen. Tim Kaine as her running mate, Hillary Clinton revealed her true politics and shown that her sidestep to the left
on policy issues during the primaries was simply a tactical move to defeat Bernie Sanders. It’s not what you say, it’s what you do. Clinton can parade her so-called 'progressive' credentials at the convention but her
choice of Tim Kaine has laid bare her cynical rhetoric.
It is Chris Trotter who should stop being ridiculous. But, given his poor track record, expect more ridiculousness in the future.
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