Organise Aotearoa occupied the Brazilian Embassy to protest far-right Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro’s first day in office. The fledging organisation is calling for expulsion of the Brazilian ambassador in New Zealand and the recall of the New Zealand ambassador in Brasilia.
YESTERDAY THE Brazilian Embassy in Wellington was occupied by the recently formed Organise Aotearoa , to protest newly inaugurated far-right Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro’s first day in office.
Jair Bolsonaro controversially emerged victorious in Brazil's national elections last year despite huge public outcry. His plans to rollback protections
of the Amazon forest and attacks on indigenous and LGBT rights in Brazil threaten working class Brazilians.

According to Buissink, political killings, beatings, and hate crimes have been on the rise during Bolsonaro campaign, perpetrated by his supporters. “The
new government encourages and enables this brutality both through policy and the actions of Bolsonaro personally.”
Already Bolsonaro has moved responsibility for the demarcation of indigenous land to the Ministry of Agriculture, allowing it to be opened up for commercial land grabs; lowered the minimum wage,
and abolished the Public Safety, Social Development, Labor, Culture and Environment Ministries. The new Minister of Human Rights, Family and Women is opposed to abortion and sex education. Bolsonaro has also made comments
which have been seen endorse violence against indigenous groups, women and the LGBT population.
Organise Aotearoa is calling for the expulsion of the Brazilian Ambassador to New Zealand and the recall of the New Zealand Ambassador in Brasilia.
Hi there,nice text. I am a Brazilian who lives in NZ, this new president that many in Brazil called "the thing" is a nazi. Right now he gave orders to dismiss government officials who has,according to him "Left ideology", there are areas (public libraries) where 75% of workers have lost their jobs. His son spoke in a interview that the teacher must not talk about feminism. A minister said that will begin a new era where girls wear pink and boys blue (this people believes that if a boy wear pink he will became a gay, and they hate LGTBs). They are freak nazis...