THE ORIGINAL goal of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), according to its first Secretary General, was  'to keep the Soviets out, the Americans in, and the Germans down.'

Today, the Soviet Union is gone, the United States is dominant, and Germany is industrialising. Has NATO achieved its goals? If so, why does it still exist? And why did Fidel Castro call it 'the most perfidious instrument of repression known to mankind'?

For Episode 6 of The International, a world-spanning video series brought to you by Jacobin and the Progressive International, journalist Abby Martin examines NATO’s global footprint and explains why this 'defensive alliance' might end up causing World War III.

is a leading voice of the American left, offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture. Find out more at its website and on X, formerly Twitter.
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The Progressive International unites, organizes, and mobilizes progressive forces around the world. Find out more here.

Subscribe to Abby Martin at the Empire Files.


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