Auckland lawyer and Zionist Juliet Moses shares a laugh with a fellow right wing fanatic about exploding pagers. The target of their 'mirth' is an Otago University professor.


THE BOOBY trapping of pagers by Mossad was an act of terrorism which resulted in many deaths and over 3,000 people injured. But, for Auckland lawyer and Zionist Juliet Moses, it has been a source of amusement. In this exchange with another right wing fanatic, Adnan Belushi, she expresses her amusement that an Otago University professor, and critic of Israel, should also receive a pager 'call'.

Once again, we ask why isn't Moses being investigated by the Security Intelligence Service for promoting a violent extremist ideology?

Adnan Belushi has also posted this invitation to violence against Green Party co-leader Chloe Swarbrick. Swarbrick is a prominent critic of Israel and its genocidal military assault on Gaza. Juliet Moses has attempted to smear her as 'anti-semitic'.



  1. These comments by Moses and her mate are reprehensible. They ARE an incitement to violence. And why the hell is this stuff allowed on Twitter/X.? Musk has a lot to answer for, if X has degenerated to this.


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