As the Democratic Party establishment coalesce around Joe Biden, they risk alienating an entire generation of young Americans. If Joe Biden wins the Democratic Party nomination, young Americans will probably do what they did in 2016 and simply not vote in November.

WHILE THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA have been trying to boost the less-then-energetic Joe Biden as the man who single handedly rescued his stuttering campaign, the reality is that the Democratic Party circled the wagons around their guy in a bid to rescue him from Bernie Sanders and his army of supporters. There's even a story now doing the rounds that former President Barack Obama was working quietly behind the scenes, trying to shore up Joe Biden's bid for the Democratic nomination. Increasingly, Joe Biden has all the appearance of a cardboard cutout being propped up by scaffolding obligingly supplied by the billionaire class.

The Democratic Party establishment may well be determined to choose Biden but they risk angering and alienating an entire generation of potential Democratic Party voters who hate Joe Biden and all that he represents. His defence of the status quo and his smug claims that Americans 'don't want revolution' has hardly endeared him to a generation who want nothing less than revolution.

The figures show that Biden is Mr Unpopular among young Americans. A recent national poll revealed that Bernie Sanders commands a staggering 72 percent of support among the under 29 year olds, with Biden languishing at just 5 percent support. In a poll taken in California just before Super Tuesday, Biden did a little better with the under 45 year olds and attracted 9 percent support. But he was still trounced by Sanders who commanded 68 percent support.

On Tuesday, 60% of voters between the ages of 18 and 29 voted for Sanders, compared with 17% for Biden, according to exit polls compiled by The Washington Post.

It is Bernie Sanders vision of a more just and equitable America, an America not chained to the interests of capital, that has attracted the support of young Americans. Their futures look bleak under the present economic and political arrangements and they want the kind of change that Bernie Sanders is articulating. Joe Biden is seen as a obstacle sitting in the way of getting to that better future.

While contemporaries of Biden might sip their gin and tonics and nod their heads sagely while they agree on how America will never subscribe to socialism- even as America's left continues to grow - these are the last gasps of a generation on its way out.

If the Democratic Party is unable to recognise the dreams and aspirations of America's young and continues to put them on hold, then it should also understand it is giving Donald Trump another four years in the White House. While Biden might shrug his shoulders and say 'This is America', the movement that is propelling Bernie Sanders says 'This is not America'. Right now, the greatest threat to the revolution isn't Donald Trump, it's Joe Biden.


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